Are you selling your business? That’s a big decision to make, right?


Selling your business or transferring your assets isn’t a piece of cake. People often get into big trouble while selling their business or assets. It’s always better to get professional assistance in this regard.

Experts Evalution of your Business

How does account flipping works?

Buying & selling is mutual a business, and our step-by-step guide will help sellers and buyers to get our services:

For Sellers

Get you business sold out in just few simple steps

For Buyers

Buy an established business in just few steps

What services do we offer?

Though you have been thinking about starting your Amazon FBA wholesale business, you might still need to know a lot about this platform. Amazon FBA Wholesale is among the best platforms to sell physical products online as it offers lucrative benefits.

Product Hunting

We follow proven criteria to hunt the best products available.

Product Sourcing

Our experts take into account the following points for product sourcing

Product Launching

We ensure that we are meeting all the prerequisites of Amazon before.
Turn Around Time (TAT)

30 Days

Do you want to know the pros and cons of being an Amazon FBA Wholesaler before getting started?

Wholesale ranks among the easiest business models to set up and running behind retail arbitrage.

 You can easily take the burden of marketing off for your business by selling already established brands that consumers are searching for.

63% of wholesalers have started earning profits within three months compared to 65% of sellers who deal with private label products as it took them six months to see a profit.

It’s easy to scale your FBA wholesale business as you can focus on growth, even if you need to hire a team for managing day-to-day operations. Instead, you have to focus on developing a brand, creating listings, and other aspects of building a fledgling brand.

You need to perform rigorous research, and this is the most time-consuming aspect of starting a wholesale business. Thus, you will need to explore dozens or even hundreds of product opportunities to ensure that you can get the product from a supplier on-time.

Flipping Businesses: a New Type of Trading

It’s much easier to renovate a single room than to build an entire house from scratch. Starting a business from the ground up is hard for similar reasons. Putting in long hours and not seeing immediate results can be discouraging. It’s even more disheartening when your focus is on creating a “unicorn” – a product that disrupts the market and changes the game completely (think Facebook, Amazon).


However, many of us would be happy to create a profitable business that requires little input from us to maintain.


Instead of spending time, energy, and money creating a business, you can earn healthy profits flipping businesses. This is why we’re seeing commercial real estate investors frequently visiting our online marketplace to pick up digital assets. An existing website that’s making money is an attractive prospect for many investors.


Fixing and flipping businesses is all about finding distressed businesses, fixing them up, and selling for a profit. Online businesses are especially prime for flipping as there are many things you can tweak, such as generating more site traffic through different sources.


Generally, you will be aiming to increase a business’s value through repairing and adding features, with the goal of selling for a profit in 10-18 months. You could work on this venture full-time or in your spare time.


“This sounds profitable…but I’ve never run an online business before and I’m not sure I know how to get started.”

Even if domain names, hosting, backlinks, and SEO are unfamiliar terms to you, don’t worry – we’ve got you covered. We’ll go through the best practices in this step-by-step guide to follow so you can flip websites or online businesses.

The Ultimate Guide to Flipping Online Businesses for a Profit

A Google search on how to become wealthy will bring up far too many methods. Trading stocks is a classic approach many empire builders recommend while another favored approach is flipping real estate.

What do both of these things have in common? The underlying principle of buying at a low price and selling at a higher price.

Your profit ceiling with stocks largely depends on how good you are at reading markets and financial data, since you don’t have much control over the price of stocks themselves. With real estate, you can take active steps to improve the property you buy so it becomes more valuable.

What services do we offer?

Though you have been thinking about starting your Amazon FBA wholesale business, you might still need to know a lot about this platform. Amazon FBA Wholesale is among the best platforms to sell physical products online as it offers lucrative benefits.

Product Hunting

We follow proven criteria to hunt the best products available.

Product Sourcing

Our experts take into account the following points for product sourcing

Product Launching

We ensure that we are meeting all the prerequisites of Amazon before.
Turn Around Time (TAT)

30 Days

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What is Flipping?

Before we get carried away with the numbers, we have to introduce flipping to those of you who are new to the concept.

  • Flipping businesses is a natural extension of buying and selling online assets. It’s rooted in the ancient business concept of buying low and selling high.
  • To buy low in this context, a buyer has to have a good eye for opportunity and the skill set to optimize a purchased business. The ability to sell high doesn’t appear out of thin air either; the business has to go through strategic improvements that increase income and overall performance. That might mean adding complimentary monetization, conversion rate optimization, adding an email list, or cleaning up a backlink profile.
  • This alchemy of upgrades allows the buyer (the business flipper in this context) to return to our marketplace with a much more valuable business. The made-over business can demand a higher premium and allow the flipper to reap a great ROI.
  • This is what flipping is in the simplest of terms. Flipping online businesses is a hobby for some and a full-blown enterprise for others, folks we’ve named Flipper Freds. We see plenty of Flipper Freds in our deals because ROI can be so quick and so high for online assets. This, of course, drives up demand and competition for flippable assets.

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